Outlaw Effects - The - NEW - Magnum M3M Wallet

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Outlaw Effects - The - NEW - Magnum M3M Wallet

Postby B0bbY_CaT » Jul 14th, '08, 13:43

The Outlaw MAGNUM Wallet

Available from: http://www.outlaw-effects.com

Price: $75.00 shipped World Wide

Catagory: Mentalism

Difficulty: 1 out of 5

They say:

Outlaw Magnum - Being in the know has never been so stylish
The latest addition to the oulaw school of peek wallets! Outlaw Magnum M3M!

A mini bi-fold Business card case! Only 4 inches by 3 inches when closed!

Here's the skinny.
The Outlaw Magnum does not employ, a Stealth gaff, an S.U.C. gaff, or an Insight gaff. The card goes in, you close the wallet and put the wallet away, the work is done.

You DO NOT have to reopen the wallet to get the peek! You DO NOT have to remove a card to get the peek!

The Outlaw Magnum has five working inner pockets, and a hidden pocket that will hold cash and extra business cards.

No more having to "re-load" the wallet when doing walk around! The Magnum will hold over 20 business cards, your driver license and credit cards! The Outlaw Magnum has the same functions as the original and the Panther, which allow you to P.W. or swami directly onto a card in the wallet.

It allows you to double write and do a confabulation routine without having to open the wallet to do it!

When closed it is the exact same dimensions as the original Outlaw 4 inches across and 3 inches deep! There is a lot packed into this little baby.

The peek area and writing area are 85% of the card!

Take a look:
http://outlaw-effects.com/outlaweffects ... &Itemid=80

I say:

This NEW Outlaw wallet known as the Magnum is a very nice wallet. Very simple, has enough pockets and "nooks" to be used as, well... a wallet.

Best used as a credit card / business card case making a quick mind reading performance based around the exchange of business cards very easy and totally "natural"!

Owners of the original Outlaw wallet would be well aware of the clever working, you REALLY do insert the card, close the wallet and that's it. Your peek is complete. You would also be aware of the GAFF that came with the original outlaw. Some people like it, some people don't.

So how is the NEW Magnum different? According to Outlaw, it's called "M3M" technology. What is it? M3M is a special filter that ELIMINATES the need for the original GAFF. It makes getting the peek for the person in the "know" remarkably easy, while making it so impossible it's not even on the "radar" for everyone else.

So how does this change the working and your presentation? The popular "fumble your wallet as you put it into your pocket" peek is still possible. As is my personal favorite, the "rub your eye with your ring finger, then look at your finger tip at the right angle for a moment" peek.

However, the Outlaw Magnum introduces a NEW peek option. It's called the "put your wallet on the table in front of you and everyone else" peek. Seriously, you can put the wallet in someone's hand if you want to. They hold out THEIR hand, you place the wallet on THEIR hand, YOU get the peek while THEY get amazed!

You REALLY do get to see 80% or more of the card!

And so how "clear" is the peak? Amazing, in fact you can be fooled to believe there is some kind of illumination inside the wallet. There isn't, but the difference between what you see and what your spec sees is startling.

The quality of the "wallet"? In so far as a useful item (separate to being a magic prop) is good.

Have you ever bought tricks and props, only to use them once or twice, then wonder why you ever bothered?

This does NOT apply to the Outlaw Magnum! I can see myself using this wallet again and again and again! It really is THAT good! Useful, clever, effective and simple.

Rating out of 10: 9/10

Last edited by B0bbY_CaT on Jul 14th, '08, 16:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Andyb » Jul 14th, '08, 16:24

Hi B0bby_Cat,

How does this compare to the Tele-Thought wallet - maybe it uses a similar technology?



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Postby B0bbY_CaT » Jul 14th, '08, 16:33


I just googled the Telethought Wallet, eg:


The GAFF "appears" to be the same or similar in principle, however I believe the Magnum is much better because:

(1) It is a more useful, more functional wallet. You really can load it with credit cards, business cards and cash, making it all the more understandable you have it on hand.

(2) As a result, the Magnum doesn't look like a magic prop whereas (in my opinion) the TT wallet does.

(3) The GAFF in the Magnum and it's unique set up enables you to put the card to be "read" on top of what appears to be an existing card in the wallet making it even more impossible you could see anything "through" the back... this part alone, handled well is a huge "convincer" that takes away whatever "minor heat" may be on the wallet.

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Postby Part-Timer » Jul 14th, '08, 16:41

With perfect timing, I was going to post this today. It seems a shame to waste it!

The Effect

This is a utility item, which functions as both a peek device, and allows pocket writing. The effects are only limited by your imagination, to use a well-worn phrase.


$75 from http://www.outlaw-effects.com

(1=easy to do, 2=No sleights, but not so easy, 3=Some sleights used,
4=Advanced sleights used, 5=Suitable for experienced magicians only)

1 for the peek. 1-4 for the PW element, depending on how you play it (and what you're wearing).


The wallet is of slightly unusual design compared to many other similar items. Folded, it is slightly bigger than a credit card, but unlike many similar wallets, the fold is along the short side, so the Outlaw Magnum is like a miniature hip pocket wallet. I found this a little unusual, but only because I am so used to the other sort (including the original Outlaw Wallet). It makes no practical difference.

The wallet is made from leather. It's perhaps not great quality leather, but it's fine. I mention this in case it doesn't suit someone's personal taste.

The Magnum has space to hold a few credit cards on each side, although the logical thing to do is put credit or membership cards on the left (looking at the opened wallet), with business cards on the right. You could use it just for business cards. On one side of the outside of the wallet is a plastic covered window, a sort of ID pocket.

There are two things that the Outlaw Magnum does:

1. Peek. I'd say that this is the main function of the wallet. Obviously, it has all the usual problems associated with any kind of peek wallet (why is something written down and placed in the performer's wallet), but of its type, this really is astonishingly clean. The spectator places his card, face down, into one of the wallet's slots. The wallet is closed, and then either immediately put away, or left in full view. The peek has been made. Yes, you have the information without doing any other moves, including reopening the wallet.

I understand that the technology used in this function is the same as in the Telethought Wallet, which has had some good reviews. I haven't bought that and, as I am entirely happy with the Outlaw Magnum, I don't really intend to get a TW just to compare the two! The nearest commonly-used product I can compare it to is the Thought Transmitter. Imagine such a device in the form of a slim credit/business card case, which can never run out, can be used even more openly and which allows pretty much the whole of a business card to be viewed (the glimpse area is a lot bigger than the TT).

The peek is not absolutely without problems. I have found that it is sometimes a little tricky to get a clear look at what has been written, depending on the lighting. However, if you are flexible with your handling, you can pretty much have all the time you need, in full view, to try again. The only other issue is, for me, psychological. If you go for the open read, you may find yourself worrying that everyone else can see what you can! Again, careful handling and clever design means this is actually impossible, but if you are prone to magician's guilt, you might want to get your glimpse in a different way.

I give this bit of the wallet 10/10. There are minor issues with it, but really it's pretty much perfect. As mentioned above, the nearest comparison I can make is to the very popular Thought Transmitter, and the Magnum knocks that into the proverbial cocked hat.

2. Pocket Writing. As with the original Outlaw Wallet, the Magnum can be used for pocket writing. I found that the construction of the Magnum made using this aspect harder than it was in the original Outlaw Wallet, if you want to end totally clean and ready to use the peek.

One advantage over the Outlaw (and also the Sight Unseen Case, Chimera Wallet and Stealth Assassin Wallet) is that theoretically the Magnum can be shown very fairly once removed from one's pocket. However, I found the handling for that to be tricky and, it seemed to get slightly worse as I worked with the wallet, although I tried again just now and it seemed a bit better. It will be easier to remove the whole gimmicked section if you want to do pocket writing, but obviously you will have to reset it if you want to use the peek function. This won't take long, but will need you to take a moment aside.

I give this bit 8.5/10. It works fine, but I found that you have a choice of either removing an important part of the wallet, or struggling to get it back in place.


Overall: 9.5/10. I know that this isn't a strict average, but I feel this should perhaps be rated as a 9.5/10 because the peek is so strong. In many respects, I think that this is a peek wallet that just happens to do PW as well. It would be absolutely perfect if the handling of the 'superior' version of the PW gimmick were smoother.

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Postby Part-Timer » Jul 14th, '08, 16:42

Andyb wrote:How does this compare to the Tele-Thought wallet - maybe it uses a similar technology?

I've been told that it does, but as explained in my review, I can't compare the two directly, as there's no reason for me to buy both!

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Postby Sleightech » Jul 14th, '08, 18:51

I think you are right in saying that it blows the Thought Transmitter away. Strange how technology moves on, and eventually round again. I've seen the telethought wallet, and thought it a bit cheapy looking. A great idea, but this one sounds like someones put a lot more thought into it. I think the better quality leather is a real selling point, that's if it is better quality. It looks it, but perhaps not totally clear.

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Postby IAIN » Jul 14th, '08, 19:45

i have both...and a m3 panther too...

love the panther..just cos of that zippered compartment..it looks so good when you pull out a billet with a word or drawing on it...

anyway - pretty much what mr. timer says - however, i notice the panther, mine at least, has a much better/stronger "thing" than my bi-fold magnum does...

telethought is okish, but doesnt look right to me...and you can't swami/pw with it either...

new panther is my fave...

may even order another one if they do it in another colour...

i have the stealth assassin too - but it just doesnt feel right to me, plus, with some sneaky adaptation, i've combined all i need into the panther...


Postby Part-Timer » Jul 14th, '08, 20:38

Sleightech wrote:I've seen the telethought wallet, and thought it a pit cheapy looking.

The lack of photos made me a bit suspicious. I like to know what I am buying.

I think the better quality leather is a real selling point, that's if it is better quality. It looks it, but perhaps not totally clear.

I haven't seen the Telethought Wallet, but the leather used in the Magnum is absolutely fine. It's not as lovely as, say, a Jerry O'Connell wallet, but it doesn't look cheap. As an example, I recently bought the 'Pro Carrier' by Joshua Jay (I'm trying to find a nice leather card case), and the Magnum definitely has better quality leather than that. I'd say that the Magnum looks like the sort of thing you'd pick up in a department store.

IAIN wrote:love the panther..just cos of that zippered compartment..it looks so good when you pull out a billet with a word or drawing on it...

new panther is my fave...

Arrgh! When I was checking the price of the Magnum, I was having another look at the Panther and thinking that the zippered compartment sounded useful. Looks like I'll be placing another order soon. *Sigh*

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Postby B0bbY_CaT » Jul 17th, '08, 13:47

I think the telethought wallet looks like a "prop". Those gold corners remind me of the crappy cheap card holders I imported from China 10 years ago. The telethought wallet "seems" to lack a VERY important convincer... you load the peak card into a pocket, the pocket looks like it backs straight onto a window, it makes some people wonder about the window.

As with the original Outlaw, the Magnum has the EXCELLENT feature of having an extra layer between the peak card and the window. In other words, you slide your peak card ON TOP of another card (apparently). This totally takes the window out of play.

I mention the above, because I have made a couple of modifications to my Magnum I will "vaguely" mention to avoid exposure. Hopefully it will mean something to owners?

(1) The internal pocket gaff. I have removed the internal cardboard strip and replaced it with the "TOP" of an old credit card. I chose a gold colored card because I want this card to stand out. It looks so REAL! The extra thickness and "smoothness" of the credit card makes it a breeze to slide a peek card in.

(2) Re the outside window. I removed the clear plastic from the window. Stuck the "TOP" of an old credit to the long edge of the clear plastic. I then reinserted this into the window. The result, there is now the "edge" of a credit card sticking out of the edge of the window opening (around 1/8") which means there is now a "reason" for the window. I chose a dark colored credit card for this because I want this card to be "there" for anyone "burning" the window but NOT stand out for everyone else. The other benefit is the clear plastic sits a little more "stable" inside the pocket because the credit card "strip" is a little thicker than the clear plastic.

This really is a great item.

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Postby Part-Timer » Jul 17th, '08, 22:28

B0bbY_CaT wrote:I think the telethought wallet looks like a "prop". Those gold corners remind me of the crappy cheap card holders I imported from China 10 years ago.

Gold corners? Ick. I'm very, very glad I opted for the Magnum! Thanks for letting us know about the Telethought Wallet.

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Postby B0bbY_CaT » Jul 18th, '08, 16:44

IAIN wrote:new panther is my fave... with some sneaky adaptation, i've combined all i need into the panther...

Iain, what is the capacity of the Panther? The pockets look a little tight to load with too many business cards etc.

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Postby midge25 » Jul 18th, '08, 18:55

I too have the panther and the magnum, and must admit it is the panther that i use as my every day wallet at the moment.

As for what it can hold, i have 5 cards in one side and 3 cards in the other and some folded money in the zipper bit.

You mentioned the cardboard? you replaced i with a real card, i bought mine second hand. I didnt find any cardboard in it? am i missing something?

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