Galgael wrote:I am so new to magic that I am not really sure what mentalism is or whether I want to learn mentalism.
Is there more to mentalism than palms, tarot and faking being a medium?
Sorry for being so ignorant but I have to learn somewhere.
If you are "new" to magic I'd suggest you not dive into what I've outlined here too much... rather, invest into both the Mark Wilson Course in Magic as well as the Tarbell Course... these two resources will give you an excellent sense of overview on all facets of magic and allow you to get a feel of things before you narrow your focus to one area or another as far as your personal specialty is concerned.
This article was one of what was supposed to be a series of supporting "anchors" that others were supposed to contribute as a Sticky Post to help people learn about and explore the various aspects of magic... sadly, I don't believe any of the others ever got penned.
I should probably do one on Major Stage Illusions as I think of it... that is my second area or primary study. I've just become rather burnt out of late though... who knows