by Rufio » Apr 8th, '10, 18:13
I was well aware of the issue of tables prior to purchasing this from Tomo via the market place that is Talk Magic, and whilst I was also well versed as to the capabilities and effects in this book, I was more curious as to the actual continuous prose itself, as, being a magic geek, I do enjoy reading about magic.
I do feel that the interruption of tables was like a swaggering drunk trying to cut in on a slow dance between you and a lady trying to foxtrot across a ballroom, but the more I think about this the more I do appreciate the premise and novel way of presenting what is a very hands-on magic effect, all dressed up in an attractive package cum book.
I'm treating this in the same way I have treated Anthony Jacquin's Reality Is Plastic, in that with a certain amount of parotting / memory work, the information contained therein amounts to the Real Deal in mentalism. I've yet to sacrifice a lamb to the gods of my social life as of yet, but know that in future there is a real miracle in the making.
As with RIP, the continuous prose is presented in a matter of fact way, which, whilst hinting at the rationale and reasons as to its effectiveness, it does not get bogged down into jargon blitz or scenic routes of analysis that could quite easily account for a 200 page plus book on mentalism. In that sense, the no nonsense approach makes this product by Jon Thompson the John Smiths of magic literature.
It is also enough of a blank canvas to allow you to shape the Naked Book Test (to quote magic reviews, this is certainly worth the price of the book alone, and quite a steal at £19 I say) into your own persona. I'm sure this is the kind of publicity stunt that Corinda intimated at when you think of the possibilities of using the Naked Book Test on a random, and adopting a Derren Brown esque premise of having her go into a book shop and subsequently divine that merely thought of word... This would be ideal for as an edit for a magic promo video for instance. However, personally I would like to use this effect as an excuse to phone an old friend out of the blue and demonstrate telephone mentalism. Even in that situation it will still be necessary to put in the effort.
I also like the Naked philosophy of having an inexplicable esotoric talent, and to entertain and engage with no props. As with magic in general, it is all a life skill, so I just aspire to one day be sitting half asleep in a rockin chair and my grandkids reading the latest Harry Potter or Twilight or whatever fad becomes the norm and I am able to seriously twist their melon!
As with many effects, my tendency is to show effects prematurely on close friends and family and to hone them later. Whilst the initial guinea pigs are impressed, it is the process of honing one's craft that takes an excellent effect into the realm of garish creepiness and / or wonder [insert child-like state of emotion here]. Effects like Coinvexed by David Penn, or hypnosis, for example, are well and truly capable of such a cerebral reaction and, i am pleased to say, it is reassuring that already I suspect that the Naked Book Test - and to a lesser extent the rest of Naked Mentalism - will undoubtedly fall into such category.
All I need now is Sleight of Mind and Alchemical Tools and my insatiable appetite for magic literature has some realistic end in sight!