The Book: Geoffrey Durham Professional Secrets - A Life in Magic by, of course, Geoffrey Durham himself
Cost: Currently £25 plus P&P but after Feb 25th it goes up to £27.00 plus P&P
From: - you'll need to answer a question to get into the right part of the site but it's well worth the effort!
Review: I wouldn't normally burst into print on a book until I'd read it through a couple of times but in view of the price offer I thought it best to tip you the wink as early as possible so here it is:
The book starts with a great Foreword by Wayne Dobson and he sums up Geoffrey very well in Dante's words, 'all done by kindness'. Geoffrey is never going to be the 'in your face' 'hit and run' 'wham bam' street magish - thank goodness - instead he's the epitome of thoughtful, entertaining, and top quality magic. Over the many years he's been performing he's probably done more than most professionals, TV, stage, corporate, 'quiz' shows, theatre, consultancy - the list is nowhere near complete. On his website is a vid of his Newsaper routine, just a simple torn and restored but the presentation, and more importantly the timing, hoist it miles above many other effects.
The first pages of the book give a review of Geoffrey's career so far, the early days as an actor, the transition to magician, TV appearances, the Rise and Death of the Great Soprendo, Countdown, the mistakes along the way (which we've all done at one time or another!) and the list of 'names' he's appeared with or been associated with reads like a Who's who of magic. He's the proud holder of a Magic Circle Maskelyne Award and it couldn't have happened to a nicer chap!
After this are full descriptions of a dozen effects/routines, each one subdivided into Before You Start, Performance and Closing Thoughts. There are clear line illustrations throughout and the centre pages are a collection of photos from various stages in his career. In between the effects are extremely useful articles on performing, the rhythm of Magic, Patter, Practice, Rehearsal and several more which are all goldmines of tips, hints and pointers to the how and why of making your magic more entertaining. Briefly, the headings for the 12 effects are:
The Gypsy Thread, The Durham Hand Flasher (don't ask!), The Chinese Rice Bowls, Durham's Prediction Box, The Linking Wedding Rings, Thirty Years of Coins and Bottles, The Egg on the Fan, The Blocks, The Dictionary Test, The Gold Medallion, The Magic Square, The Celebrity Floats.
Overall: Highly recommended reading - 250 pages of priceless knowledge and advice - even at £27 plus P&P it's a steal.
Rating: A definite 9/10 and that'll probably increase after I've read through it more at leisure and savoured every morsel of it!