Acidus Novus advice

Struggling with an effect? Any tips (without giving too much away!) you'd like to share?

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Re: Acidus Novus advice

Postby kevmundo » Aug 26th, '15, 13:47

Hahaha! True!! Best to buy Switchcraft and save your pennies!! :)

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Re: Acidus Novus advice

Postby Mandrake » Aug 26th, '15, 14:29

Switchcraft - the download which just keeps on giving!

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Re: Acidus Novus advice

Postby Redrighthand » May 10th, '16, 08:52

What about a script? Have you rehearsed?
Does your presentation (your rehearsed script, your blocking) allow for misdirection? Or in other words, does your "offbeat" follow the scheme AND the theme?
I find there's a lot of great information for mechanics, but not so much their application in context.

If you're worried about using the method, you shouldn't be using it - first of all. Your participants and audience can smell apprehension. It's written all over your demeanor. Get comfortable by plotting and rehearse your plot and demeanor. Everyone type of performer needs a solid plot. Even musicians. And if they don't have an established demeanor -- Oh, have mercy!

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Re: Acidus Novus advice

Postby Redrighthand » May 10th, '16, 09:55

And my reply applies to Switchcraft as well. I respect Elliott's work and you should handle it with care.

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