grasshopper to teach first you must learn to study.
hi teacher, let us be your guides in this magic realm we have much to impart to a willing student and thus we also will become the students, for you see we are all quite mad you know so dont take anything too seriously lest you become a tombstone of life.
I for my part as the caretaker of the basement will be happy to show you the ropes cut and restored or otherwise, and help you navergate the corridors of power and hope one day to see you in the lounge to discuss fish and statues and of cause coffee.
be our friend and we will respond in kind be offensive and feel our roth the walls here realy do have ears and the great stones speak truth, knoledge permeates the very fabrick of this forum but may take a wile for you to understand your ardvark from your bystable flipflop if in doubt consult the search engine at the top of the page or pm one of our venerable order, remember grasshopper that the world whatches on so be carefull how you word you enquires and answer lest you let slip a clue, some i dont want to work for my art, might use to his advantage this is after all an open forum we have special eareas that i hope you will soon be visiting till then enjoy and be opened minded