woohooo .... another scotsman!!!... thats us up to about 4 now i think????
welcome to the boards and i hope you have fun during your stay
maybe you could add your Age and Status in your Profile
To help other members form a more visual picture, it would be nice to include your age and 'magic status' as a small signoff in your profile.
We're standardising this to an additional bit of info in the Location panel in your profile... and the format is
(??A : ??S) where as the ??A = your age, and the ??S = your status, chosen from the list below...
EN = Eager Newbie
AH = Amateur Hobbyist
SH = Skilled Hobbyist
WP = Working Professional
CP = Career Professional
So, for example - your Location could be
"Kent, UK, (30:WP)", meaning you're a 30 year old working pro...