Hypnosis / NLP Forum?

Ideas for improvement? Please let us know here! Not everything is possible but we'll consider all suggestions.

Moderators: nickj, Lady of Mystery, Mandrake, bananafish, support

Postby nickj » Jul 3rd, '09, 17:09

A J Irving wrote:I was always under the imprssion that his mention of OOTW was a little nod of the head to all his magician fans who would get a kick out of him directly naming the trick it was based on on national TV knowing full well that the majority of the viewers wouldn't have a clue.

I agree with this; I had identified it as his version of OOTW before he made the comment and I enjoyed that immensely! Not only would the majority of viewers not get it, the majority of magicians might get the reference and then be thrown by the fact that there was no stopping; only those who had actually purchased DPB would really get it.

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