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Postby The Last Deck on the Left » Jun 27th, '05, 15:13

Compacted by Bazar de Magia

£15.99 from emagictricks

Link - ... ts_id=4918

3 Need to know how to palm a card from a deck

(1=easy to do, 2=No sleights, but not so easy, 3=Some sleights used,
4=Advanced sleights used, 5=Suitable for experienced magicians only)

Here is what it says on the tin:

“A freely chosen card is signed by a spectator and returned back to the deck. Then the magician shows a black bag which is handed to the spectator to hold. The chosen card vanishes from the deck. Then the spectator opens the bag and finds a closed music CD box inside. He opens the box and finds two transparent CDs inside. They are attached together with some rubber bands with the chosen signed card sandwiched between them!!! Easy to do. Use any deck of cards. Complete with everything you need.”

I bought this item during a bout of CUPS (seems to be becoming a weekly affliction!).

As with these kinds of effects, the magician has to know how to palm a card (I use a simple top palm). The performer then has to ‘load’ the CD’s. (Mods – I hope this doesn’t give to much away – but I figure that we all know it doesn’t ‘magically’ appear there, and therefore will require a ‘load’).

The set up: Basically, you get everything ready as in the picture of the final outcome. The CD’s, box and bag are all bounded by elastic bands are ready for the performance. The actual load is very simple, made possible by an included device, which I’m sure with a little imagination, could be used for other effects of this nature. This device is quite well made (out of metal) and has been painted black for discretion).

After making the spectators card disappear, you get them to open the bag (bounded by an elastic band), take out the CD box (bounded by 2 elastic bands) and take out the clear CD’s with the card between (bounded by 3 elastic bands).

The mechanics of the load are very simple, but not 100% guaranteed to be correct. The card goes in ok virtually all of the time, but I have found that on occasions, when opening up the bag, the CD isn’t fully inside the box, and the box is therefore not fully shut. This can be avoided by gently pushing and closing when handing the bag to the spec or placing on the table – however, you may get a loud ‘click’ noise as the box snaps shut!!

My big problem with this routine is that ok, so it’s technically quite clever, but I just can’t seem to fit a story or theme to it! I feel it’s just kind of one of those “ooh look how clever I am – I can make your card appear inside two blank CD’s AND in the box AND in a bag” – yeah but so what? To me it just seems a really bizarre thing to do? Why have a card appear in that situation?

I guess I need a really good story to go with this, but I just can’t think of one? I was toying with a “who has ever wanted to release a song, or have their own CD out?” – but I gave up when my script was less convincing than the BBC’s Eldorado!

I just can’t see the point of having your card appear in the CD!

I also have found the loading device quite bulky, and one would need to wear a jacket to perform the trick in the way described in the instructions. At the moment, I don’t wear a jacket to perform, so I’m limited to how I can perform this. I did get around it by having it set up in my magic ‘bag’ that I keep my stuff in during a performance – entering it under the cover of getting out another sharpie.

If anyone else has this, I’d love to hear from you to discuss handling and ideas for fitting it into a routine. I’ve performed this only once (to family and friends) and got good reactions from the end result, but it just felt too sterile and like a technical performance for me to enjoy it.

6 out of 10

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Postby jokerdan » Jun 27th, '05, 18:54

How about how many people are at number one in the Singles Charts [spec signs card and writes band name or something], but then a new band with a one hit wonder come along and they seem to disappear entirely [vanish], and ends up being sandwiched between two shoddy singles. Then again, maybe not :P
you could say you brought along two important CDs with music so you bound them up so you wouldn't lose them and nothing ycould get into them and scratch them, and you intended on showing the specs them. Say that after you have done the vanish and load, or just vanish if load is doen while handing out bag. Say, Oh, Oh Goddamnit, I think I've lost it, (whilst ignoring the fact that they are Hot Hot Heat's lyrics...), then go into the story about the music CDs, whichi are then seen blank because somehting did manage to get between them, showing the card. I guess I'm just no good at this patter lark :roll:
Great review anyway :D

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Postby Tenko » Jun 28th, '05, 01:03

How about forgetting playing cards and using small cards or business cards with different songs on them. Should be easier to put a story round that.


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Good ideas!

Postby The Last Deck on the Left » Jun 28th, '05, 13:48

Thanks Tenko and jokerdan,

Good ideas! I do like the business card idea - maybe print out some Record Manager's business cards (all different) - get them to choose & sign one and build a routine about seeing which manager can get them a record deal - and then of course their manager will actually get them a CD released - with their card inside the CD!

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Postby Mandrake » Jun 28th, '05, 14:47

Could it be done with business cards (fakes, of course) of the rich and famous recording artistes currently in vogue? If it doesn't seem safe to use real people you could have a bit of fun with similar names such as Elvis P.Resley, Mad Donna etc.

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Postby ouch-kabibble » Jun 28th, '05, 15:53

Maybe you could talk about a new hit song your about to release onto the market, that you keep sake in the bag. You set it aside and go into the trick, and then ask if they want to hear your CD....

oh, and if you can force the ace of spades on them, then the CDs could play the song, the ace of spades!

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Postby Mandrake » Jun 28th, '05, 16:16

Perhaps you could refer to, or use, that old classic by Wink Martindale - Deck of Cards?

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Postby MagicIain » Jun 28th, '05, 18:49

If anybody even thinks about mentioning Perry Como and "Magic Moments" I'll be most disappointed...

Westlife and "Queen of my Heart" is even worse...

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Or how about......

Postby The Last Deck on the Left » Jun 28th, '05, 19:02

"Cutting Cards" by James Horner

"Game of Cards" by James Shearman

"Life is a Pack of Cards" by Laurence Sive


The wonders of the iTunes catalogue!

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Postby BananaJuicey » Aug 10th, '11, 08:14

I was just wondering if any cds can be used?
Also if everything can be examined afterwards?

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