by ab5zn » Jul 20th, '05, 03:26
My colleague Bob and I recently conducted a computer class at work. We used numerous magic effects to spice things up. At one point, Bob announced that he did not have a magician's silk handkerchief, but that fortunately he had found something else to use: a pair of women's panties.
Bob went on to comment that he had found them in his cubicle at work and guessed that the previous occupant of the cubicle also must have been a magician, since magicians sometimes work with rabbits, and the panties kind of smelled like a rabbit had been in them. This comment met with a roar of laughs and grunts.
Bob then proceeded to borrow a dime from a student and have the student mark it. Bob placed the dime in a little sealed plastic enclosure under the panties and wadded the panties up. After doing a separate coin trick, Bob revealed (no surprise here) that the dime had disappeared from the little enclosure. Then he produced a sealed canister containing a sealed canister containing a bag that held the dime. Bob used a couple of simple gimmicks that can be purchased here in the U.S. at magic stores.
A couple of weeks later, Bob was called to speak with the H.R. department as part of their investigation of the "incident." One of the women in the class supposedly had been offended and called the company's ethics hotline. As an outcome of the investigation, Bob was given a FINAL written warning (even though he is a top performer and has never to my knowledge had any warnings) and one year of probation. He supposedly violated the part of the company's code of ethics that prohibits humor of a sexual nature.
Although the company's rule about humor of a sexual nature is very ambiguous and ridiculous in my opinion, the fact is that the usage of a pair of panties in a magic trick was not sexual. The panties were used in place of a magician's handkerchief purely for humorous effect, and yes, they did have that effect.
I am trying to help defend Bob. I want to help our management see what he did in a different light. It was funny. It was not harassment in any way.
I call on you, my fellow magicians, to provide me with any thoughts or insights you might have that would help me to defend Bob. For example, if you could find a photo of the Pope doing a magic trick involving panties for a bunch of girl scouts, that certainly would be helpful! An article such as "President of World Morality Committee Says Panty Tricks Not Bad" also would be great.
Anything you know of or can find would be appreciated.
Thank you very much.
A Fellow Magician in the U.S.