svengali deck question

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Re: svengali deck question

Postby bmat » Aug 16th, '13, 17:23

I'd really like to know the reason for wanting such a deck. So I am anxious to see or at least read about the effect. Because if the idea is a svengali deck with two forces and show all the cards the same. If that is true then it would be so much easier to use a regular deck, force first one card, show all the cards to be that card. Then force a second card and show all the cards to have changed into that card. Hey one could do that 52 times, (although it would get old fast).

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Re: svengali deck question

Postby jim ferguson » Aug 16th, '13, 19:26

I know what you mean Brian, but easier isn't always better. The deck I described would give a far more convincing display.

As you said though, without knowing its purpose our advice is based on what we are assuming. To be honest it looks as if this thread is a bit of a lost cause. Since the OP hasn't bothered to reply to our ideas we have no way of knowing if we are on the right track or just wasting our time - at the moment I fear it may be the latter.


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Re: svengali deck question

Postby bmat » Aug 18th, '13, 16:44

jim ferguson wrote:I know what you mean Brian, but easier isn't always better. The deck I described would give a far more convincing display.

As you said though, without knowing its purpose our advice is based on what we are assuming. To be honest it looks as if this thread is a bit of a lost cause. Since the OP hasn't bothered to reply to our ideas we have no way of knowing if we are on the right track or just wasting our time - at the moment I fear it may be the latter.


Even if the point of the thread is lost for the OP you still bring up some interesting points. I always enjoy reading your posts and I agree with most of what you say.

Obviously I cannot agree or disagree with what you wrote above because well we can't see it. However I slightly disagree with what you say about a 'convincing display' to whom are you refering? A magicians perspective? then I would agree. From a layman's view however there is only convincing and not convincing. I show them 52 3 of hearts using the method we both know I am talking about and they buy it hook line and sinker then that is all the convincing that is needed. Fanning the deck won't make it any more convincing.

And of course it all comes down to presention.

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Re: svengali deck question

Postby johnbrown » Jan 16th, '14, 15:11

Just a reply to the Svengali 2 force question
There is a double force Svengali deck on the market, it gives you the chance to repeat the effect and then move to another table without repeating the result with the same force card
The single force always limits this chance,
Just a little bit of infomation in case your still interested JOHNNYBOY

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