by mark lewis » Nov 4th, '14, 17:48
There is actually method to my madness. First, I get people laughing and that makes the fair itself more enjoyable for the visitors. Second, the fact that they are laughing helps me get business because they think, "this guy is fun with a great sense of humour. I think I will sign up with him" I actually get quite serious once the reading starts but to get people to sign up in the first place I become a combination of magician, comedian and pitchman. And psychic too of course. It does make a refreshing change in comparison to the other more serious, although equally talented readers.
Second, other psychics have only one or two people in front of them when they try to sell their services. I will have perhaps 5 to 10. I can't go in too strong and get 20 to 30 people around me although I am quite capable of doing so. However, it would create too much distraction at a psychic fair. But of course even 5-10 people is more than the one or two that other psychics gather. And of course the odds of selling the readings are increased significantly. Although I am doing a magic trick they see the comment book, they see the newspaper articles and they see the display of New Age stuff on the table so they do know I am a psychic, albeit a rather eccentric one. And they figure that since this guy seems to be a master of his magic trade he may well be a master of the psychic stuff too. I do mix in some psychic advertising among the magic such as suddenly in the middle of a trick saying, "I do psychic readings too, in case you were wondering" That gets a laugh. But I then get another laugh by pointing out the comment book ( a great promotional tool where satisfied clients write in their comments) and say "look at all the comments. I was up all night writing them so at least have a look at them". That gets a massive laugh. And of course some people DO look at them even if they aren't interested in the card trick!
Third, I sell svengali decks while at the fair which of course generates a certain amount of revenue in itself. But more importantly it gets people into a buying mood where they actually part with money and this encourages them to spend more money on a reading. I will often say to someone "Do you want to buy a deck of these?" and they will reply, "No, but I would like a reading" I often say when doing the svengali deck, "This is very easy to do. You don't have to be Houdini to do it. Mind you, that's just as well because he's dead!" That gets a laugh but I proceed further by continuing by saying, "Mind you, there's a lady down there who can get in touch with him for you" pointing to one of the mediums. This gets another big laugh.
I do get sceptical magicians and mentalists who have no idea how I operate expressing horror that I do magic tricks, and sell svengali decks at psychic fairs. That is because they don't know how to think out of the box and usually know nothing about the psychic business anyway.
However, here is my trump card and the main reason I do the svengali deck. At the end of the demonstration I say, "There is no skill required. Try it in your own hands" But as they do I suddenly grab their hand, look at it and recite a few palmistry lines according to what I see in their hands. 30 seconds of it at the most. Then I suddenly stop and say, "If I tell you any more it will cost you money" More laughs. However, it is a fifty/fifty chance that the person will be so impressed with that 30 second reading that they will immediately sign up for something more in depth.
I can assure you that everything is well thought out and done for a reason. It also makes a psychic fair more bearable for me as it can be a very stressful business reading people and dealing with their problems for perhaps 10 hours or so. In Canada psychic fairs are much longer hours than they are in the UK. Now I am not suggesting that anyone else should follow my way of working and in fact I don't think it would work for anyone else. After all I have a background as a professional grafter, pitchman and what works for me isn't necessarily going to work for anyone else. I just thought that once and for all I would explain the logic of what I do since I do get tired of magicians telling me that I shouldn't sell svengali decks at psychic fairs.
Now mentalism is a different story. If I saw anyone doing mentalism at a psychic fair I would protest strongly and even complain to the fair promoter and get it stopped. Mentalism is trickery and to me is using deception to promote a belief in the reader's psychic ability. Psychic fair promoters do not like it one bit. Magic, on the other hand is a fun thing and entertains the attendees and more importantly entertains me and keeps me sane and moreover gets me business I wouldn't get otherwise.
There. I hope I explained this point of view satisfactorily.