by artychris » Jan 29th, '15, 14:48
I'm a bit cheesed off right now...
I don't normally pre-order things, but when Osterlind released Intimate Impossibilities, I couldn't wait, and pre-ordered...
And I just picked it up at the post office now. I'm sure that it's going to be a great DVD, and the product or the service from Richard Osterlind and Jim Sisti isn't the problem.
The problem is that the post office have just charged me £13:13 to collect it!
Apparently anything that comes in to the UK valued at over £15 is subject to VAT, which comes for £5:13. I'm not best pleased at that, but that's how it goes... But on top of that, there's an £8 handling fee. A sort of charge for charging me money! The man at the post office explained it as paying for them to shift it around at the airport, work out how much the VAT would be, bring it to the post office, and for filling in the form to tell me how much I owed them! (He also explained that not every plane load of goods gets checked, so if I'd ordered before and not got charged, then I was just lucky, as I should have been!)
As the DVD was only $39, this extra is quite a lump on top.
It's certainly made me not want to order anything from the States again. Next time I'll just wait for it to be released in the UK...
OK, rant over... And hopefully this might avoid someone else getting charged a similar fee.