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Postby MrCat » Feb 15th, '20, 12:55

I am such a sucker, that's why I love magic as I'm so easily fooled haha :D
I am the ultimate audience member / spectator, unlike my girl but that's another story.

One thing I'm a sucker for is a discount, aren't we all? So, having just got a voucher through the old e-mail thingamy, I just purchased "Standing Room Only Vol 1 - By Steve Draun"

I like the sound of it, and to be quite honest (are us magicians supposed to do that!?) I just really liked the look of the dude on the cover too, as well as the description of the 'effects', having never heard of him :D (names aren't really my thing)...

I expect someone here has heard of the dude maybe, or could comment somehow?

Having made a few naughty purchases recently and sadly been faced mainly with some kind of mild disapointment on their arrival, I thought a dvd like this was a fairly safe bet being on sale and with my lovely discount code...

Anything like
"Wow Mr Cat, you're in for a treat, that dude is really great"
would be entirely appropriate :)

If I like it I will leave a review of course, I haven't yet (ashamedly) left any other reviews on said recent purchases as (again ashamedly) I haven't even tried them out on myself yet (for hinted at reasons) but let's all think positive and I'm sure I'll get round to it..........

Hope you're all having a fab' weekend,

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