New Forum Section for a Magic Academy???

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New Forum Section for a Magic Academy???

Postby EvolvingMagic » Jan 8th, '21, 05:40

Hello Moderators, and fellow users of the Talk Magic platform. My name is Dan Perez, Senior Academic Director at Evolving Magic, an online academy DEDICATED to taking your magic, "To the next level".

It is viewable here: ... b2bjvcVyQg or just type in "Evolving Magic" on Youtube.

Background: I'm a former Magic Castle insider with 13+ years of experience, having attained "record holding" status for most shows in a short period of time while there, and one of the best magic teachers in California, having taught 100's of students and have trained students to become members of the Magic Castle program as well. I personally seek to pass on the teachings that made me an overall better performer while in the Magic Castle Junior Program, have lots of jam sessions on everything close up magic, and just have lots of fun with everyone while doing so. A secret goal of the academy is to beat Ed Marlo's World Record of Most Created Original Content!!!

With that in mind, I humbly ask for a Forum Topic dedicated to the academy to post updated content/status updates, and I'll be sure to mention/link you guys in my regular video content (aiming for 35 videos a week!!!) to boost up the Talk Magic forum. Its a win-win for everyone!!! ;D

Please let me know how to go about this.

Thanks, and best wishes,
-Dan Perez

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Re: New Forum Section for a Magic Academy???

Postby mr invisible » Jan 10th, '21, 18:32

Sounds like a good suggestion/idea. :)

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Re: New Forum Section for a Magic Academy???

Postby Mandrake » Jan 10th, '21, 20:45

Hi and welcome to TM, your academy sounds most interesting!

As there are already over 50 'rooms' (including the hidden ones :wink: ) we decided ages ago not to open any new ones on the basis that TM was becoming more like the 'green place' every day :mrgreen: ! We'd be very happy to see a topic started under 'Events' and we could probably make it a sticky so it shows at the top of the listing - I hope that's of interest.

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Re: New Forum Section for a Magic Academy???

Postby Barry Allen » Jan 10th, '21, 20:51

I'm a new member on here - so I don't know what value my thoughts will hold (albeit I've been a performer for many, many years).

Anything that improves the skill set and knowledge of magicians, should subsequently improve the Art of Magic.

However, if this is a subscription service, then I'd have my reservations. You only have to spend a short time on YouTube these days to be inundated with adverts from people who will show you how to become a Millionaire online. Such schemes have (to paraphrase Harry Lorayne) "the depth of a grain of sand".

Forgive me - but being 'Old Skool' I'm overly sceptical of most things in today's World of have it/do it now online technology.

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Re: New Forum Section for a Magic Academy???

Postby Mandrake » Jan 12th, '21, 17:37

Good point Barry, if a subscription is required then linking to it from here would be against TM rules. However I didn't see any suggestion of a subscription so this should OK.

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Re: New Forum Section for a Magic Academy???

Postby Boris » Feb 21st, '21, 14:10

Yet another YouTube exposure channel. Wow.

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Re: New Forum Section for a Magic Academy???

Postby Mandrake » Feb 21st, '21, 14:29

As Dan hasn't visited since making his post above, I guess he isn't intersted in TM. We did give him the benefit of the doubt but perhaps we were too generous? I'll give it a few more days and if no further response, this thread will dissapear.

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