ricky jay the greatest?

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ricky jay the greatest?

Postby PALMERX » Nov 28th, '05, 17:13

:D , HELLO, not strictly a normal request but I'm wondering whether anybody has had any experience of seeing ricky jay perform. mayber I'm just being cynical but he's rated as one of the top five guys in the world with cards, however i find that hard to believe for such a recluse, who i can't seem to find footage of anywhere. I'm not bad mouthing but all i seem to find his people singing his praises but no footage or anything to back it up. anybody care to prove me wrong???? :D

Message from Mods: Dunno about proving you wrong but this topic has been moved from Reviews Request (which it isn't) to Magician Talk (which it is). :wink:

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Postby Clifford the Red » Nov 29th, '05, 21:41

I guess you didn't see his one-man Broadway show which also aired on HBO. Not many card guys can make a claim to that. Actually you may see it soon. I recently asked him about when his stuff was coming on DVD and he said he was releasing that show.

In the meantime, you can find him on Showtime's Deadwood, being a magic collector and publishing some of his collection for all of us to share - see his new book - Extraordinary Exhibitions.

Not exactly a recluse :roll:

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