Alex Elmsley

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Postby pdjamez » Jan 10th, '06, 18:23

Mandrake wrote:
Perhaps we should relate the next competition to his work as a way of paying our respects.
It's taken quite some time to get a decision on the theme of the next competition and, as it was already decided that it wouldn't be cards again, we may have to pass on this opportunity.

Thats a great shame, I was going to suggest we collect some effects here in the thread as an alternative commemoration. On reflection, I think we can all be patient enough to wait for the next competition, if the powers that be agree.

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Postby Mandrake » Jan 10th, '06, 18:29

Assuming this comp goes OK, the next one is likely to be April/May or thereabouts. Plenty of time to practice the Elmsley Count etc!

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Postby MagicAL » Jan 10th, '06, 20:08

Very sad, a great loss to magic, as someone else has said though, he has left us with so much to practice!

My sympathy goes to his family and friends.

In my vast library, I have realised that I have nothing by Mr. Elmsley. Can anyone recommend anything in particular?

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Postby Tom Lauten » Jan 10th, '06, 20:20



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Postby pdjamez » Jan 11th, '06, 09:25

MagicAL wrote:In my vast library, I have realised that I have nothing by Mr. Elmsley. Can anyone recommend anything in particular?

I also have nothing in my library from Mr. Elmsley himself. He is of course famous for his Elmsley/Ghost count, which is used in many different card effects. So I'm sure you'll have something which uses the count? Dai Vernon's "Twisting the Aces" springs to mind immediately. I seem to recall that he also did an impressive torn and restored newspaper routine, but don't quote me on that.

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Postby Mandrake » Jan 11th, '06, 10:37

A swift Google with Alex Elmsley as the search details shows some books and DVDs: ... logue.html (and scroll down a bit) ... ductid=550

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Postby pdjamez » Jan 14th, '06, 01:41

Finally found something in my library. There are two effects in Vernons Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic. I don't know why I didnt think of this earlier, its not like I never read it. :oops:

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Postby Without_Control » Jan 14th, '06, 01:47

Just wanted to pay my respects to a great man.

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Re: Alex Elmsley

Postby saxmad » Jan 14th, '06, 14:44

daleshrimpton wrote:Alex Elmsley Passed away on sunday after a heart attack.

A sad loss to magic...

Magic Week are reporting that Alex actually died of cancer.
Makes it a little sadder as it probably means that he suffered more towards the end.

RIP old chap.

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Re: Alex Elmsley

Postby daleshrimpton » Jan 16th, '06, 09:28

saxmad wrote:
daleshrimpton wrote:Alex Elmsley Passed away on sunday after a heart attack.

A sad loss to magic...

Magic Week are reporting that Alex actually died of cancer.
Makes it a little sadder as it probably means that he suffered more towards the end.

RIP old chap.

Iv'e just read this update myself.
You have to wonder if this is the reason why he decided to come out of magical Retirement a few years ago. :(

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Alex Elmsley Obituary

Postby Dee Indy » Jan 20th, '06, 01:49

Can someone post the obituary for Alex Elmsley? Or name a paper where the obit appeared?

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Postby saxmad » Jan 28th, '06, 15:41

Remembered by John Derris HERE.

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