Why you never tell how your tricks are done

Struggling with an effect? Any tips (without giving too much away!) you'd like to share?

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Postby Demitri » Mar 9th, '06, 16:41

I agree with you Evan, to a point - but the theory holds up with some spectators. No matter WHAT you do - if they think they know how one effect was done, they think that's how all of them are done.

But, you're right - learning multiple methods to perform a double is a smart move. I also agree with Kati and the strike double.

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Postby Steverino » Mar 9th, '06, 16:54

I think maybe some say it, even when they don't know how something was done, for two reasons

1) They can file it in the bit of their brain which deals with things they think they understand, and not have to think about it any more.

2) They want to goad you into repeating it so they can try to see how it's done again, or try toget you to explain how it really works.

based on very limited experience, but I think there's something in it.


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Postby MagicJosh_2006 » Mar 11th, '06, 17:05

My Friend Tells Me All His secrets and he's buying me a bicycle black tiger deck
and a tally ho viper deck too

lol its because i tell him my secrets and give him my perfomance tools

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Postby craigcox893 » Mar 12th, '06, 02:06

to be completely honest all laymen to my knowledege have no idea what the hell you are doing, they can stand there and say 'well i think your doing... bla h blah blah..' but at the end of the day they dont KNOW what your doing, unless you tell them, which brings me back to the origin of this thread, you don't tell the spectator what your doing because of the fact you've been practicing and learning what your doing for years, for one or two people to say 'how you do that?' and then you tell them would be a complete waste of however many years youv'e been doing it, as I'm sure many of you like mysef have been doing this for years and i wouldn't waste a single moment of my timew teling them how i just completey teared and resotred a card.

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Postby Fat_Knacker » Mar 12th, '06, 19:36

One thing I've found when performing close-up is that if you do 2 or 3 knockout tricks and leave it at that, your audience will literally beg for more! And when they ask "How did you do that?" I simply reply "very well, thankyou!" Such a buzz!

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